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Digital Literacy: Decoding Devices In-Person / Online

Technology is omnipresent in our lives and changing rapidly, with vast societal implications and impact. It's easy to get left behind, and easy to make a misstep and fall afoul of bad cyber-actors. Get your feet under you at this series of classes with Digital Services Librarian Franklin Walther.

This time: Decoding Devices. Not an iPhone class, not an Android class, this is an "everything" class. What can our phones and tablets do? What can they sense and perceive? And how does that influence the way we poke and prod at them and the design language common to all of them?

After this class you'll come away with a better idea of what your magic rectangle expects of you, what you can expect of it, and the familiarity to pick up any device and find your way around.

Friday, September 23, 2022
1:00pm - 2:00pm
Time Zone:
Pacific Time - US & Canada (change)
Creekside Room
  Computer Classes > Digital Literacy  
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